Important Weekly Update

Good Sunday Evening, 

Thank you everyone who was able to come in for Parent/Teacher interviews. I was wanting to follow up on Open Minds City Hall School. We are required to have several volunteers in order to run this program for the week. Please complete your security Clearances and get back to me asap with the date(s) you are able volunteer for. 

Open Minds City Hall School November. 27th - Dec. 1st

Campus Calgary / Open Minds is an innovative school program that brings the classroom to vibrant community settings. Teachers, students and community experts come together for a week-long curriculum-based experience, designed to meet the needs of each individual learner. The result is a catalyst for learning activities throughout the year that inspire and prompt critical thinking and problem solving. More information will be provided closer to the date of our experience. In preparation for this week-long experience, it will be imperative that we have enough volunteers for each day. Please at your earliest convenience, make sure you have your security clearance with the CBE up to date.

Here is the link to check out the program online! Celebrating 30 years! ELEVEN Copperfield Classrooms will be involved this year! 


This week is Truth and Reconciliation week. Our class will be taking part in a variety of assemblies and activities to support our learning. Please ask your child throughout what Truth and Reconciliation means to them and why it is an important week of learning. 

TUESDAY VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY - 9 am - 10:15 at the school and local Wildflower Pond

On Tuesday, the grade 5 classes will be pond dipping at our local pond. If you have a security clearance and would like to come support this Science activity, please e-mail me directly. 

Thank you and please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Mrs. Emily MacQueen

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