Open Minds City Hall School



Preparation for Day 3 - Open Minds City Hall School                                                                                                 

Dear Parents and Students,

The first couple days have been filled with fun, excitement and one of a kind learning. Some highlights have been meeting Mayor Gondek, watching a live council meeting, the +15 Art Commons, the Famous Five Statue, Calgary Olympic Park, Devonian Gardens, City Hall Atrium and time learning in the Classroom. Students have been engaging in lots of Journalling, including adding pictures and reflections of their favorite moments. WOW! Lots of learning in just two days! I am thinking everyone should sleep well tonight, because I know I will be!

Tomorrow we will be learning for the most part, outside. It will be extremely important that students come prepared for not only tomorrow but also for Thursday, with proper jackets, toques/ear coverings and footwear. I am sad to say that there are some students who continue not to come prepared and/or argue with adults, including myself about bringing/wearing their jacket. This has also been happening during recess time at school, where Mr. Magowen has also reported to me similar concerns. The rule is simple, students have to have a jacket and take it with them outside. If they choose not to wear it, they can take it off, put it in a safe spot and/or tie it around their waist. This way they have it with them if they need it. Thank you for supporting this understanding with your child. 

We will see everyone bright and early tomorrow for another fun day in the Downtown Core! Chinatown and the Peace Bridge are just a couple of the exciting learning spots planned for tomorrow!

Thank you, 

Mrs. Emily MacQueen

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