February Updates


Hello Grade 5 Families!

The week ahead looks very snowy with milder weather. I am hoping that we will be able to take a walk to the Wildflower Pond this week, so I ask that students come prepared for the weather.

  • Dressing for the weather: We are at a time in the year where it can be extremely cold in the mornings and then be sweating by the afternoon- please remind your child to dress in layers and bring warm clothing, including hats, mittens and jackets, as well as snow pants/ splash pants (otherwise we inevitably end up with students in wet pants). 

  • Google Classroom: Your student can access practice websites and printable pdfs on our google classroom (student needs to log in using their educbe email). 

  • Scholastic orders: If you are interested in ordering, you can visit the scholastic website and use our class code RC177015. This allows our class to earn rewards so I can add to our classroom library. 

  • February is Kindness Month at Copperfield School! We will be working on many kindness and wellness related activities throughout this month. Opportunities to work with our Grade 2 buddies for some special projects is sure to be fun and engaging! Friendship skills and Empathy will also be targeted through classroom lessons. 

  • In-School NWMP/RCMP Experience Mrs. Barr and I are also looking for volunteers for an in-school experience learning about the NWMP/RCMP to support our Social Studies Curriculum. The program for the day will include NWMP/RCMP (reasons why the NWMP formed (whiskey trade, settling the West, Indigenous Relations, Klondike Gold Rush), uniform/artifact sketching, NWMP Poster Job/Admission Requirements, The March West Journal Entries, timeline of NWMP/RCMP, present day RCMP etc.). We will prep you on the station you will be running in the morning before students come into the Learning Commons. The commitment would be from 7:50 - 11:15 & then from 1:05 - 3:05 pm on Monday, February 12th.  If you are able to help us on that day, please email your child’s teacher asap. You will be required to have proper security clearance. 

  • Valentine’s Day: In Grade 5, Valentine's Day tends to be a low key affair. However, if your child would like to bring valentines for their classmates, they are welcome to (but please make sure to send one for everyone (25 students total)).

  • Upcoming dates to note: February 16 & 17- Teachers’ Convention, February. 19- Family Day, February. 28- Pink Shirt Day 

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns or want to share about your student. I am always happy to hear from you. I try my best to answer emails within 24 hours (ejmacqueen@cbe.ab.ca), or you can leave a message for me at the office.

Thank you,
Mrs. Emily MacQueen
Copperfield School

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